CED Press Release
24 March 2020
“Across Europe, dentists are contributing to the efforts to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), while still providing safe and high-quality treatment to their patients, in line with relevant national and local regulations.
With a growing number of Member States restricting provision of dental care to medical emergencies, dentists are struggling to fulfill their obligations to care for their patients and at the same time prevent the transmission of the virus. […] Where this is allowed by national regulation, dentists support the remaining parts of the health systems, particularly hospital emergency services, by treating urgent oral health cases who would otherwise seek help in the already overburdened hospitals.”
European health professionals and students’ organisations Press Release 27 March 2020
“The European health professionals and their students’ organisations are calling on the European Commission and the governments to support and protect healthcare professionals fighting Covid-19. Staff must be provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and must be regularly tested, regardless of reported symptoms or exposure.
As Europe has become the global center of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals are working hard to contain the spread of the virus, putting themselves at risk to protect the communities.”
CED Press Release
09 November 2020
“Patient safety is one of the foremost objectives of the profession and while ensuring that the dental team is complying with both existing and new guidelines, the lack of clear recommendations and scientific data related to dentistry could be hindering the oral and general health of all Europeans. Oral care, including not only urgent and essential dental treatment but also preventive and conservative care should be considered as essential healthcare and should not be postponed until the COVID-19 pandemic is resolved.”
The CED President, Dr. Marco Landi: “European Dentists have always been committed to providing up-to-date, safe, high quality oral care, as well as minimizing risks related to oral care. Since the beginning of the pandemic, dentists have been in the front line, alongside other healthcare professionals, providing safe treatment, while staying committed to their patients’ wellbeing, and should continue providing usual responsible care despite the circumstances”.
CED STATEMENT – Dentistry and patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
“Despite the new circumstances created by COVID-19, dentistry remains a safe profession for dental patients, members of the dental team and dentists themselves. Effective personal protective equipment is applied to protect both the dental personnel and the patient, and appropriate protocols are followed. Therefore, the adopted Statement recommends a continuous provision of dental care services during the pandemic.”
CED STATEMENT – Safe and effective Dental Education during the COVID-19 pandemic
“The CED calls on European academic institutions and the dental education community to work together to provide safe, inclusive and welcoming learning and working environments for all members of our community during these challenging times.
Moreover, the CED reflects in this Statement the need for a dental curricula shift, to achieve a balance between in-person and online teaching, and to identify a set of minimum requirements in order to ensure adequate dental education.”