CED Annual Report 2019


In 2019, the CED welcomed Daniela Timuş, the first CED-EDSA intern in the Brussels Office. 

The intern is involved in various aspects of CED work, including the activities of the Working Groups and Task Forces, communication activities and administrative tasks. During the last months of 2019, the intern focused mainly on the update of one of the main CED publications – the EU Manual of Dental Practice, under the guidance of a Board Task Force. The intern took part in the organisation of several events, including the One Health conference in Warsaw and the CED General Meeting in Brussels. 

The intern provides a crucial link between the CED and the European Dental Students’ Association (EDSA), facilitating the close collaboration of the two organisations. Bringing the students’ and young professionals’ point of view to the table is one of the main principles on which this cooperation relies and will work in the future.